Tag Archives: Hawaii county

FARMERS Wanted in Hawaii For Growing Safe, Affordable Food $1000 Reward

Live from Hawaii County. They made the registration a reality today.
The interesting part is they added a voluntary registration for all agriculture producers…hmmm They also waived the fee, yippee that should help, insert sarcastic laugh here.

Fact Farmers should not be registered like criminals for growing safe, affordable, legal crops as provided by the Constitution of the Unites States of America. Nor should Counties place undue burdens on small farmers who are already struggling.

Bill 113 which is now a law Thanks to politicians who did not perform due diligence and passed the bill. They failed to ask the real questions, yet onward they went. Now here we are. Growing biotech crops are not poison, there is no harm. The rainbow papaya has been grown on Hawaii Island for 16 years straight by hundreds of small family farmers. They have done no harm. They provide a high quality affordable fruit staple for our community . Yes 3 for a buck $1.00 is the best dollar menu ever! They export the worlds greatest papaya that supports our community, they are local food!

The deadline for farmer registration is March 5th, 2014, what then Mayor Kenoi will you send the GMO police out?
Here is the link to Hawaii County online registration process for gmo, biotech, organic, conventional agricultural producers. What do you think should Farmers be registered like criminals. I thought only sex offenders were registered, shouldn’t a criminal have to break the law first?


Local Chef or Activist Verbally harassing Farmers and Agvocates

Everyone is entitled to their personal choice but when you lash out at others, threaten, attack and harass them online that’s wrong whatever you label it.  These attacks keep occurring so for the first time were calling one out; plus she just went way past to far! She lashed out unprovoked at anyone who replied then decided to follow-up by harassing people online beyond the conversation thread and even went on to groups and other sites spouting lies and acting indignant as if she was attacked. Ironic since she was the cyber bully.

After we saw what was occurring we did a simple search to see who she was..


Google her or here is the link http://hawaiitribune-herald.com/sections/news/local-news/citizens-sought-isle-police.html-7

She is a personal chef by  her accounts for very wealthy people as if that gives her special rights. #Fail Courtney Larson. We did discover that in January she was listed as one of Hawaii Islands most wanted, we do hope she got her criminal matters all cleared up though; as we wish no ill will on anyone, even haters.

Courtney Larson your an activist, a food eliteist, a hater, a cyber bully and you have serious issues with a lack of respect and aloha for your fellow community members and even the very same farmers and ranchers who you purchase your food from. we’re sorry your so consumed by rage and hate that your allwoing your emotions to control you.

This behavior has no Aloha and no place here. We can discus things like adults without fear and without personal attacks or threats.; her behavior is absurd and the continued hearings only make it worse. We won’t be intimidated by GMO Free Hawaii or activist for that matter…See you at the next hearing! we’re not poisening paradise, we have not contaminated anyone or any crop. we are pro agriculture and we will stand our ground.

20131002-191304.jpgShe went on a smear campaign because this Farmer speaks for options and is Pro agriculture, All agriculture somehow she switches it to be everyone’s fault but her own for picking a fight. In all fairness she later went and removed her posts from this group and she was banned from several pages due to harassment and foul comments. Some of which we captured below. This does bring us to a question; why should farmers and ranchers be harassed over their choice to keep their options open and not limit themselves?

She really didn’t want discussion she wanted people to attack; I hope she feels vindicated. Especially after going to others pages and posting harassing comments then banning them when they had done nothing.

But this is after all the same person who blamed the papaya attacks on the victim for insurance money. She has shown herself in many locations lately., all attacking with hate. Today’s #1 Hater….



Food elitist……


There was more but we decided enough was enough…


Stop the Food Fights!

We’re Farmers not sex offendars

Really how dare you attack another small papaya grower? Who bought the machetes who destroyed over 100 trees this morning?

While the Hawaii Papaya Industry Association was gathering for their annual meeting and Mayor Billy Kenoi was speaking one farmer was absent; he was at his field with police overlooking destruction of his trees. A sad discovery awaited his trees had been chopped down!This is not okay, activism has gone to far now you have turned into eco terrorists! This is wrong!

We’re farmers not sex offenders, We will not register like a criminal…..
The criminals are the activists who have turned into ecoterrorists. Register the activists not farmers.

The Hawaii County Council is asking farmers to register their locations; why would they? Taking away their constitutional rights and making farm locations public access is a threat to our farmers sustainability and opens them to additional eco terrorist attacks. No were drawing the line “we will not register like a sex offender! Brenda Ford and Margaret Willie, I hope you here this, No No no and we will fight for our right to farm in Hawaii!

We work hard every day to grow affordable safe food for Hawaii….We are not causing Harm your grandstanding is harming us. Ag matters and Farmers care, clearly a few council members do not care about the harm they are causing…

End this non-sense NOW! Kill Bill 109 & 113 …. do what is right and understand farmers and agriculture before you start a public battle… DO NO HARM and this is harming farmers!



29.4 million in Tax Revenue by Seed Companies in Hawaii


During the hearing on Bill 2491 on Kauai a council member “Gary Hoosier” said the seed companies paid zero Hawaii taxes. We thought that statement totally impossible all things being considered. After all when was the last time Hawaii failed to make business pay taxes?

We dug, it took a whole 60 seconds to figure out his statement was a myth, we found the attached report done in Feb. 2013 by Hawaii Agricultural Statistics. Don’t believe us look at the chart…They paid 29.4 million in Hawaii tax revenue…

Is there not a policy for councils to research their comments?
Do we not desire public policy based on evidence?

Just a thought, How will Hawaii replace that income if they continue to drive agriculture businesses from Hawaii? Bills like Hawaii County bill 79 & Kauai County bill 2491 will not drive any seed company out of business but they might go elsewhere… In the end only small farmers and AG in Hawaii gets hurt...”Support all local farmers”